The Big Truth About Manifesting

It’s not just a magical coincidence. (Plus, Q’s to help!)

I came across a reel the other day of Trevor Noah in conversation with Oprah. He asked her what the most common trait is between the most successful people she’s talked to throughout her life.

She said that the most common trait between them is that they know what they want.

As she said, ‘a lot of people don’t know what they want - they go after what they think they should want, or what other people want for them, but they don’t know what they really want. But, the people who have figured out what they want, go for that thing, and then life rises up to meet them.’

(I’m paraphrasing her exact quote, maybe I should remember to save these reels?!)

That got me thinking about manifesting, and the process it really takes to bring things that we want into our lives.

I think the thing about manifesting is that, firstly, a lot of people have become turned off by the massive use of the word over the last 5 years on the internet… and they think it’s some super woo woo spiritual thing, garnering eye rolls from all your friends that don’t attend the monthly full moon fire ceremonies on the beaches of LA… And secondly, it’s been misunderstood to be some “magical” thing. Like you don’t have to put in real work to manifest something into your life, you just need to “manifest” it, and it’ll come.

But, that’s really not the case… like, at all.

Manifesting is what happens when your ENERGY is aligned with your CLEAR VISION, and the ACTIONS you take are in support of getting the thing you want.

And a lot of the conversation around manifesting leaves out the energy and the action part. I see so much content out there about making a vision board, for example, but it goes something like this: I made a vision board for the year and I’ve already manifested everything on it in 2 months! And they’ll show you the vision board and the results, as if all those things just appeared out of thin air, but skip over the middle part where they had to take action to get those things, and be aligned energetically with what they want.

The action part is equally important to the vision part, which is equally important to the inner-work of your energy part.

So really, there are 3 parts to the manifestation process:




(And there’s also a very important element of being relaxed and open to the process that’s worth mentioning. When I think back on the times in my life that I manifested what felt like magical things, things I have ZERO regrets about, I was relaxed and open and in the flow about it. I was not pushing, or trying to ‘make stuff happen’ on my timeline or in my exact way, I was rolling with it in a way that felt joyous and easeful, but moving in the direction that I wanted. More on this later…)

Let’s say you want to manifest a new place to live. But you’re still living out of boxes (even after a year), haven’t hung up your art, and your kitchen is an absolute disaster. Your energy isn’t aligning with a new, upgraded home. It is sending the message that you’re not yet ready to receive more. It’s sending the message that maybe you’re overwhelmed and can’t handle/don’t fully appreciate what you already have (which is fine! We’ve all been there! But it’s not an energetic match for more).

Or maybe you have a vision of having a bangin’ business, but you can’t ever seem to get yourself to stick to a content plan, or show up to work on your business when you say you’re going to. Your actions are not yet aligning with your vision.

Again, we’ve probably all been there about something in our life, but we’re sending the message that we’re not yet ready to receive this thing - a new home, wealth, abundance, business, travel, love, relationship - what have you. We’re wading in murky waters towards our vision. The energy and the actions are not aligning with the vision.

If you feel there’s an area of your life where the thing you’d like to see come in just isn’t happening (yet), here are a few questions/journal prompts to check in and see what needs to shift to help you clear the path ahead. Pull out a journal, or open the voice note app on your phone and chat yourself through it! Not all may apply, but you’ll know which are potent for you:

⚡️ What is the biggest part of my life that I currently feel dissatisfaction in?

⚡️ What frustrates me the most about this situation?

⚡️ What would I like to see shift in this area? What is the change I’d like to see? (Example: a move, a bigger home, a smaller home, a new job, a move to a different city, a partner, a lover, a divorce, a new relationship dynamic, a new car, etc etc etc…)

⚡️ What is the energy I’m currently carrying in this area of my life?

⚡️ What are my current actions communicating in this area of my life?

⚡️ What is my current environment communicating in this area of my life? (Example: I want a lover, but my house is a mess, and I’d be embarrassed to have anyone over.)

⚡️ Which part of the manifestation process do I feel is currently out of alignment for what I’d like to call in - the energy, the vision, or the action - and what’s ONE THING that I can do this week to start to shift that?

⚡️ Which part of the manifestation process do I feel IS currently in alignment?

⚡️ How can I continue to build momentum for myself towards the thing that I want?

Have fun with this! Manifesting, upgrading, changing your circumstances, and building the life of your dreams works 100 thousand times more effectively when you’re having FUN!

I promise this is true.


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